Share these Bussey Quotations

Over the years, Robert Bussey has been quoted in various periodicals and by leading protection experts. Here are a sample few that appear in "The Warrior's Personal Journal".
“The trail leading to technical expansion and diversity is to always be alert for new and varied principals.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“Avoid trouble by interacting with others in a genuine way. Don’t fake sincerity but find within yourself a connection with others through an attentive, caring nature.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“What is defense? It is a countermeasure to aggression, an act of protection from danger.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“The evolution of my tactics can be interpreted – so, the result is a wider sphere of influence on individuals in various capacities.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“To master a thing, you must remain teachable. In time, you will make it your own.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“Myths associated with martial arts are perpetuated in an environment
sympathetic and compliant with each art form.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“What drives my physical techniques is certain underlying ‘principals’ and therefore,
my movements are constantly in a state of change.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“The impact of violence is happening at this very moment…it can be immediate,
and seems always to be lurking.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“Once you’ve resolved to fight, summon every tool in your arsenal, place them in
reserve and be prepared to trigger them.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“Actual conflict is different from the formalized scenarios on display in the dojo and at tournaments.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“Accept the reality of your situation and don’t loose your head…adapt to your circumstances.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
In the end, comparing martial arts styles is mindless debate because fraudulent techniques and ideologies are widespread in almost all of them."
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“What do I mean by ‘living movement’? Identify with the movement so that the practice is felt,
not just known.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
"Your learning process should include an emphasis on supreme adaptability with no apathy toward realism when it comes to no-rules protection."
-Robert Anthony Bussey
Neutralize hostile arguments. Resist the power struggle, take pause, then commit yourself to redirecting their emotional energy.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
"The real questions, with respect to any style, remain somewhere between its relevance to physical pragmatism and the philosophy it represents."
-Robert Anthony Bussey
“A worthy conflict would be a dare to battle our own impulses.”
-Robert Anthony Bussey
"Perceive, recognize, and appraise both your target goal and the obstacle that
stands in the way of your accomplishing it."
-Robert Anthony Bussey
"Fight to apply yourself unswervingly to devouring your enemy with all of
your senses working together on your behalf."
-Robert Anthony Bussey